Preparation of high purity silicon steel grade magnesium oxide from magnesium hydroxide

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. said, from magnesium hydroxide preparation of high-purity silicon steel grade magnesium oxide process, the process is the magnesium hydroxide light burning, added to the water, the first temperature for hydration, and then reduce the temperature and at the same time to the water to slowly add ammonium bicarbonate solution for carbonation, to get the suspension; will be suspended by filtration, filtered slag after washing, drying, and then high-temperature calcined, that is, high-purity silicon steel grade magnesium oxide; the process to Magnesium hydroxide as raw material for the preparation of regular shape, high purity silicon steel grade magnesium oxide, and the process flow is short, the quality of magnesium oxide is stable, high production efficiency, to meet the requirements of industrial production.

China’s Qinghai Charkhan Salt Lake in magnesium resources are exceptionally rich, and in the development of the Charkhan Salt Lake potash fertilizer at the same time will produce a large number of hexahydrate MgCL2, resulting in magnesium damage. At present, the ammonia magnesium precipitation process is used for the large-scale production of magnesium hydroxide, in order to better develop the value of magnesium compounds, the development of a process for the preparation of high-purity silicon steel grade magnesium oxide from magnesium hydroxide is of great economic interest.

Silicon steel grade magnesium oxide is a kind of lightweight magnesium oxide, its purity requires more than 98%, good suspension performance in water, low hydration rate, in the production of oriented silicon steel sheet process, silicon steel grade magnesium oxide in the form of suspension coated between the silicon steel sheet, high-temperature annealing process and the formation of silicate MgS13 insulating layer, and to play a role in the role of the removal of P, deS. China’s magnesium resources are relatively abundant, however, high value-added products are rare. With the development of science and technology in China, Wuhan Iron and Steel, Baosteel and other large enterprises have begun to produce oriented silicon steel sheet, domestic only Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises can produce in line with the quality standards of the enterprise silicon steel grade magnesium oxide products, therefore, the silicon steel grade magnesium oxide market is still to be further developed.

silicon steel

However, now the production of silicon steel grade magnesium oxide process is longer, and the purity is not high, product quality is not stable, can not meet the domestic rapid growth of the development of the production of oriented silicon steel sheet requirements, about the salt lake magnesium resources production of silicon steel grade magnesium oxide method is still less. For the existing technology of silicon steel grade magnesium oxide preparation process existing shortcomings, the purpose of the present invention is to provide a magnesium hydroxide as raw material preparation of shape regular, high purity of silicon steel grade magnesium oxide process, the process flow is short, the obtained magnesium oxide quality is stable, high production efficiency, to meet the requirements of industrial production.

From magnesium hydroxide to prepare high-purity silicon steel grade magnesium oxide process, the process is the first magnesium hydroxide by 500 ~ 750 ° C light burning, added to the water, the first temperature to 73 ~ 98 ° C for hydration, and then adjust the temperature to 60 ~ 80 ° C, at the same time, slowly add ammonium bicarbonate solution to the water for carbonation, to get the suspension; will be suspended by filtration, filtered slag after washing, drying, and then placed in 1050 ~ 1150 ° C temperature calcination, the quality and stability of magnesium oxide, production efficiency, to meet the requirements of industrial production. 1150 ℃ temperature calcination, that is to obtain high-purity silicon steel grade magnesium oxide.

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