The nature and application of nano -magnesium oxide

Nano -magnesium oxide (MGO) is a white powder with a variety of unique performance. It is a high -surface area, which means that it has a large number of surface atoms. This allows nano -magnesium to have high reactivity and adsorption. It is also a heat -resistant material with a melting point of 2800 ° C.

Nano grade magnesium oxide

The characteristics of nano -magnesium oxide include:

High surface area
High -response
High adsorption
Heat resistance
Electrical insulation
Good optical performance

The application of nano -magnesium oxide includes:

Ceramics: Magnetic magnesium can be used to make high -strength, high -temperature resistance ceramics.

Application of Magnesium Oxide in Special Ceramics

Catalyst: Magnesium magnesium oxide can be used to make catalysts for various chemical reactions.

Flame retardant: Magnesium of nano oxide can be used in plastic and other materials to improve its flame retardability.

Personal care products: Magnesium magnesium oxide can be used in cosmetics and skin care products because it has the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation and improve skin texture.

Medicine: Magnesium nanoprotoxicity can be used for drug transmission and treatment of various diseases.

Nano -magnesium oxide is a multi -functional material with extensive prospects. With the development of nanotechnology, the application of nano -magnesium oxide is expected to further expand.

Some examples of nano -magnesium oxide applications include:

Ceramics: Magnetic magnesium can be used to make ceramics for electronics, medical and automotive industries.

Catalyst: Magnesium nanoxide can be used to make catalysts for petroleum refining, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

catalysts for petroleum refining

Flame retardant: Magnesium of nano oxide can be used in plastic, textiles and architectural materials to improve its flame retardability.

Personal care products: Magnesium magnesium oxide can be used in cosmetics and skin care products such as sunscreen, lotion and mask.


Medicine: Magnesium oxide can be used for drug transmission and treatment of drugs for cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other diseases.

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