The role of magnesium hydroxide in medicine

Magnesium hydroxide has a variety of effects in medicine, mainly including the following aspects:

  1. Needy and stomach acid
    Magnesium hydroxide is an alkaline substance that can neutralize the gastric acid, thereby reducing the concentration of gastric acid and alleviating symptoms such as gastric pain and stomach burning caused by excessive gastric acid.
  2. Promote intestinal peristalsis
    Magnesium hydroxide can stimulate the intestinal wall, promote intestinal peristalsis, thereby helping to defecate and relieve constipation.
  3. Absorb bile acid
    Magnesium hydroxide can be combined with bile acid, forming insoluble compounds, thereby reducing the absorption of bile acid and reducing cholesterol levels.
  4. Protect the gastrointestinal mucosa
    Magnesium hydroxide can cover the surface of the gastrointestinal mucosa to form a protective film, thereby preventing the stimulation of gastrointestinal mucosa by gastric acid and bile acid.
  5. Bybinilide
    Magnesium hydroxide has a bacteriostatic effect and can kill some bacteria, which helps to treat gastrointestinal infections.

Magnesium hydroxide is often used to treat the following diseases:

Excessive stomach acid, hot stomach, stomach pain

Excessive stomach acid, hot stomach, stomach pain

Speed and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers

Speed and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers

Twelve -finger ulcers

Twelve -finger ulcers

Anti -current esophagitis

Anti -current esophagitis

Bile reflux gastritis

Bile reflux gastritis




Gastrointestinal infection

There are few side effects of magnesium hydroxide, and common adverse reactions are diarrhea. Generally speaking, as long as it takes the doctor’s order, magnesium hydroxide is safe.

The following groups should be cautiously used by magnesium hydroxide:

Renal dysfunction
Patients with hypomitrobia
Intestinal obstruction patient

Magnesium Hydroxide Pharma Grade

There may be interaction between magnesium hydroxide and other drugs, so before taking magnesium hydroxide, you should consult a doctor or pharmacist.

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